Friday, July 13, 2007

Verbal Diarhea or a Mind Overflowing

Sometimes, as I ramble off romantic observations about the world, about how Jenna has eyes that you can share a moment with, or about how much I love old ruined buildings because I feel like it is looking at the earth reclaiming what once belonged to her, I wonder if others feel like I am just talking to be heard, or if they feel like I am talking just to fill space.

But truthfully, I have always had a deep longing and a deep passion for shared experiences. If I find something is beautiful, I want someone else to experience that beauty too. I want to know what people think about the world. I want them to know what I think too. I like watching facial expressions during movies. If a joke is told, I find more joy in laughing at other people's laughter than the joke itself. There is nothing I desire more than to just share God's creation with others (and I do not mean in an evangelical way). In my on again off again theological thought that Christians should remain childlike, I remain in a state of constant wonder and awe at the beauty around me. Why should I be ashamed or worried about what others think of my poetic ramblings? What more can I do in life than share my heart, appreciate what God has given me, and inspire others to do the same?

Side note: Jenna, Nick and I spent about 1/2 an hour in a cafe the other day, after Jenna and I had purchased some journals from a shop that makes its own paper. We were sitting at a small stone table next to a fountain with a fish spitting water, and for the first time since I was 11, I saw a hummingbird up close, and was amazed. The three of us sat silently, Nick reading Life of Pi while Jenna and I wrote poetry. Once both of us had finished, we exchanged journals to find that both of us had written poetry about the moment at hand: the sights and sounds happening around us, and I will forever be enamoured of that moment. I am enamoured of moments in general. I make lists of beautiful things, I seem to write only about moments, and care to photograph only in terms of moments. I hope to continue to capture moments throught the summer and share as many of them with you as i can.

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